Jean jacket blowing in the wind. Work gloves in his left hand. Horsehair hatband. Extensive detail on the saddle - which was my husband's Dad's saddle.
Edition of 15
17" tall - will have walnut rotating base.
PROVISION is a Comanche woman picking persimmons. She is gathering them in her carved bowl as Comanches were not weavers.
14" tall
Edition of 9
HEARTBEAT of the PRAIRIE - With rifle in hand and a confidence about her, she is ready and able to take care of her ranch and her family. Lots of detail in this piece! Can be finished in a traditional or colored patina.
Bronze with turn-table walnut base
Edition of 25
23" x 9" x 12" w/rotating base
BESIDE QUIET WATERS - She stops beside a quiet stream to dip her toes in the cool water. Her boots and socks are behind the rock.
This piece is also available with black granite between the bronze and wood base.
10" x 10" x 7"
FOLLOW THE LEADER - This fly fisherman is having the second best day landing this trout! The first is any time he's out on the river.
Bronze with walnut and granite base
Edition of 15
11 x 11 x 8
JOY - This piece represents anyone who has gone through a trial. She is balancing changes, but focusing her eyes above - on the beauty around her.
Bronze with walnut and granite base
24 x 11 x 1
Luke 2:36-38 tells of the Prophetess Anna who "fasted and prayed waiting for the Lord".
Bronze with Jerusalem marble base
8" x 7" x 6"
My Grandma Anna had chickens as did most families of that time. She was a strong woman. She fed her chickens and her outstretched hand represents how she fed everyone else that came through her door.
Edition of 9
9 x 10 x 7
Perched on a rock that is undercut, this woman is not worried about her circumstances but is focused above. Psalm 119:48 says "I lift my hands to Your commands, which I love and I meditate on Your decrees."
21 x 15 x 7
The scissor tail flycatcher is the Oklahoma State bird. This songbird is characterized by tails that can be twice their body length. They have a beautiful peach color under their wings and are known for acrobatic flying. Can be finished in a traditional or colored patina.
21" x 12" x 19"
Daddy is taking his little princess for her first date. He has flowers hidden behind his back and she is on her tip-toes so very excited to see him!
12' x 11" x 6"
Bottom image of 2.3" x 7/8" bowl that features vines and a barn swallow inside the bowl. The bottom shows leaf feet. The piece is signed and numbered. Limited edition of 50. The outside of the bowl is textured.
$195 includes shipping
Angel blowing Shofar
Pewter Ornament
Signed, numbered and dated.
$35 includes shipping.
2024 Pewter Ornament
Signed, numbered and dated.
$35 includes shipping.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Signed, numbered and dated.
$35 includes shipping
Mary and Baby Jesus in an arch shape that forms a cross - a foretelling of Christ's future. Around the edge of the ornament, it says, "Immanuel - God with us". Pewter with red ribbon attached. Bag included.
$30 includes shipping
Hope Christmas ornament - Based on Romans 5:3-5 - And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character, and proven character, HOPE, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been cured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. $30 includes shipping.